
Importance of computer literacy in today’s era

The world has revolutionized today more than ever. We are living in the world of computers. Widespread developments in information and technology have made it possible to inculcate contemporary technological processes into all areas of life. With this digital shift, the importance of computer literacy in today’s era has been stressed significantly. Looking closely, the traditional functions have now moved online replacing banking with e-banking, learning with e-learning education or distance learning, work with remote work, shopping with online shopping and so on. This has made the use of gadgets commonplace. So, there is a dire need for computer literacy, keeping the widespread use of technology in mind.

What is computer literacy?

Computer literacy refers to the knowledge and skills to use computers and other gadgets resourcefully. This includes different skill sets and levels ranging from basic computer usage and handling to programming and software proficiency. Even the acquisition of skills like excel, PowerPoint and MS word come under the umbrella of computer literacy.

Why is computer literacy important?

In today’s computer-centric era, computer literacy is important for everyone around the world. Be it a student, teacher, businessman, employee, employer, housewife or any person belonging to any sector due to the widespread usage and significance of technology.

Digital Learning

Technological advancements have opened new avenues for online learning. With the use of a stable internet connection and an internet-supported gadget, students can now make use of distance learning quite effectively. Not only is this approach really effective but also quite cost-effective. But the optimal acquisition of online learning facilities is not possible without any prior computer or digital literacy.


Businesses around the world have long been making use of computers for their work-related functions. Ever since internet has won the world with its numerous benefits, it has been inculcated into the business-related functions and dealings too. Looking today, almost all functions are now carried out online or using computers i.e., they are automated. So, in order to keep pace with the rest of the world, employees and businesses as a whole need to be proficient in computer and digital literacy.

Job Opportunities

                There was a time when people used to look for job opportunities in newspapers. They would subscribe to the daily newspaper in order to find a suitable job in the job advertisements sections. But the digital revolution took over such traditional approaches. Now, most employers advertise their job vacancies online. So, job-seeking candidates need to have computer literacy in order to gain better job opportunities.

House Chores

                Many house chores require the use of computer and digital literacy for their smooth functioning. For example, in the recent times of covid-19 pandemic, individuals were unable to go outside for shopping, bank transactions or any other tasks. This was made easy through online shopping and online transactions etc. So, a person who is a computer illiterate would not be able to benefit from such services.


                The inventions of computers, gadgets and internet have made communication very convenient in the world of today. The concept of video calling or chatting online was a fantasy back then. But now, individuals belonging to every field and sector are making use of these, making communication as easy as the blink of an eye. Again, those who do not have the required knowledge and skills pertaining to the computers, gadgets or internet are lagging far behind the rest.Study at home now, or anywhere, anytime. Ulearn, a famous UK based online education brand, expands into Pakistan, introduces the best online learning platform, and launches Teach Pakistan. Learning is difficult. We have not made it easy, but easiest with an innovative glass board technology to make quality education accessible and affordable to everyone in both urban and remote/rural areas. Our pilot projects are FSc (Pre-Engineering), (Pre-Medical), and ICS. Many others like SSC (Matric), NMDCAT, O/A levels are coming soon. Get online courses, pre-recorded video lectures, notes, and attend live interactive Q/A sessions with teachers. We urge Not to let the biggest resource of the current era be used just for fun & entertainment.