Social Media

A Typical Workday for a Social Media Manager

Digital marketing has made social media marketing increasingly important as a means of reaching and retaining customers.

In 2022, social media will account for 93% of all marketing efforts worldwide, proving the importance of having a dedicated Social Media Manager on your team to help build and maintain your company’s online credibility, audience engagement, and revenue.

A day in the life of a social media manager is jam-packed with a wide range of tasks. Developing and keeping a consistent brand voice is crucial for attracting and retaining customers.

A Social Media Manager’s Routine Duties

Among a Social Media Manager’s core duties are the creation of interesting content, the evaluation of campaign efficacy, and the maintenance of open lines of communication via the business’s many social media platforms. Let’s examine these obligations more closely:

1. Create a plan for marketing

Creating a content strategy for your company’s website, blog, and other social media channels is a major part of what a Social Media Manager does. The goal of this material is to encourage participation in online communities. The Social Media Manager is responsible for defining the strategy and tactics behind the content, while the Social Media Coordinator is responsible for creating and promoting the material.

2. Make a plan for your social media posts.

An integral part of a Social Media Manager’s job is to plan out the team’s activities each week and month, including specific tasks, milestones, and timelines. You and your marketing team will need to create a social media content calendar to follow.

3. Keep an Eye on Social Media Metrics

The Social Media Manager’s job is to keep tabs on all of the different social media channels and determine which social initiatives are successful and which are not. Having this information guarantees that a company’s time and resources are being spent wisely and effectively across all of its social media channels.

4. Direct Community Organization

Seventy-eight percent of customers think they are more inclined to buy from a company after having a great experience with them on social media, making audience engagement a primary goal of social media marketing. An integral part of a Social Media Manager’s job is community management, which involves elements of customer service, online monitoring, and participation in conversations about the company’s brand.

5. Contribute to the Development of Visual Design Strategies

To develop engaging content for their planned campaigns, Social Media Managers collaborate closely with the marketing team and graphic designers. Managers of social media make ensuring the tone and style of all brand-related social media posts are consistent.

Competencies Necessary for a Career as a Social Media Manager

Skills in narrative and editing, an eye for design, and the capacity to analyze customer behavior are just some of the many that will serve you well in the profession of Social Media Management. Let’s dig a little more into these:

1. Writing & Editing 

Managers of social media platforms need to be excellent writers with the flexibility to adapt their voice to the unique requirements of each platform. A content writer often works under the supervision of a Social Media Manager to produce posts. The Social Media Manager will need to use their considerable editorial expertise to check the piece of copy and make sure it is suitable for the brand’s target demographic and easily understandable to them.

2. Social Media Expertise  

A key competency for any Social Media Manager is the ability to optimize content for each individual platform. Meaning, you should be aware of what kind of material performs well on which medium. Social media content scheduling and ROI can be improved with the aid of data showing which hours and days are most popular on each platform.

3. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Expertise  

Despite the fact that SEO is not the only responsibility of the Social Media Manager, it is still an essential aspect of content marketing and social media marketing. A savvy SMM will be aware of this, and will use SEO-friendly language in their social marketing campaigns.

4. Expertise in the Field

Managers of social media platforms need to keep pace with the rapidly evolving landscape of online communication. This calls for consistent investigation of market and global trends, as well as monitoring of rival organizations’ activities.

5. Aesthetic Abilities

It’s not enough for a Social Media Manager to be a skilled writer; they also need an eye for visual design. A social media manager’s ability to make visually engaging graphics to accompany written articles is essential, as the appropriate video or photo can be shared across social platforms hundreds or even thousands of times.

Get Your Foot In The Door Of The Marketing Management Profession Around here, at Sundance University

Sundance Institute of Technology offers an accelerated diploma program in the field of commerce called “Digital Marketing and Social Media Management,” which is designed to equip students with the essential knowledge of digital marketing, social media marketing, and other cutting-edge marketing strategies necessary for success in today’s competitive business environment.

After completing the thorough classroom component, students continue on to a workplace practicum, which further prepares them for a seamless entry into the current marketing industry. Students who graduate also get access to a wide range of expert career services that cover writing a CV and marketing materials, interviewing skills, and job search strategies.