
How to Make Art & Craft Activities Less Messy at Home

Getting kids engaged in art and craft is great for them in more than one way. However, most moms hesitate owing to the mess that’s made. Here are a few simple tips to make these sessions less messy at home.   

Choose a Good Time

The key to making less of a mess is to choose a good time to engage in art and craft activities. Always keep in mind that both you and the kids can enjoy and make maximum out of an activity when you are relaxed and fresh.

Usually, kids will be quite excited to find a fun surprise as they wake up in the morning.  Nevertheless, keep in mind that the same routines don’t work in every household, and so, it is up to you as a parent to know when the best time would be, or when your kids will be in their best mood.

Pick a Great Place

Picking an appropriate space is important so you do not have to deal with mighty messes afterwards. Outdoor is always great for art, craft, and messy play. But that doesn’t mean you can’t have fun indoors.

Just make sure you pick a space that has minimal or no furniture and décor, and where there are minimum chances of the walls getting dirty. You may want to think of setting up a craft corner permanently, to make matters a lot easier, and perhaps, less messy.

Pick Appropriate Activities

The amount of mess made mostly depends on the type of activity you choose, and the supplies involved. Always pick appropriate activities that suit the age of your child, their moods, their preferences, and the time of the day.

Never force your child to try out things that they are not really interested in. Look for a range of amazing craft and art supplies that they would absolutely love once handed to them and allow them to explore freely!

Have All Things Ready

One of the biggest mistakes that should be avoided is starting an activity before having all supplies ready, including items required for cleaning and tidying up. One rule to remember is to have everything you need in place. If you think you might forget one or two things, you might want to have a written list of things needed, and have each of them ready and kept in the right place before you commence an activity.

Ideally you wouldn’t let your kids have a clue about the activity until you have this part sorted. Once again, keep in mind, it is not just the supplies that you need to have ready, but the stuff to clean – soapy water, pieces of cloth, damp or dry, and everything else!

Be Clear About Rules and Limits

Rules, limits, and expectations need to be communicated at the beginning, that is, as soon as you sit down and introduce your activity, and before your kids can lay their hands on any of the stuff that is spread before them.

Setting out a set of rules and limits is quite crucial. Sticking to rules during activities is just the start to developing discipline that will go a long way. Make sure your instructions are clear, precise, and simple so they are understood.