
Super Healthy Foods For Your Baby

Healthy food is essential for the good growth of a baby. There are several healthy and baby-friendly food items. The one which is recommended by doctors and nutritional experts becomes the preferred choice of every mother. Your kid should get all the essential nutrients like minerals, proteins, vitamins, and carbohydrates. This ensures good health and keeps your child away from diseases. Starting from fruit to vegetables, meat and beans everything should be included as part of his diet. Fruits are rich in vitamins. Meat and beans are loaded with proteins. These superfoods are delicious, nutritional and reasonably priced. In addition to it, cereals are one of the favourite food items of babies. They are packed in attractive food boxes to retain their quality and taste for a long. Cereal packaging is one of the main concerns of all manufacturers. The product is first sealed in aluminium or plastic bags which are then closed in custom-printed cereal boxes. Little cereal boxes are designed attractively to let mothers choose this food for their kids. Below are some of the super healthy foods recommended for your baby:


Avocados are sometimes considered vegetables, but actually, they are fruits. They contain a high amount of nutrients. Avocados are rich in healthy unsaturated fats which boost brain development. Among all fruits, avocados contain the highest protein content. Make sure that the baby is served with ripe avocados. Wash its outside properly, peel and mash it well. As they are high in fat so little quantity of avocados can make your kid feel full. Therefore they are usually served a little with meat or chicken purees.


Bananas provide the perfect combination of potassium, calcium, iron, and vitamin B6 and C. they are full of carbohydrates and fibre to support healthy digestion. It provides sustainable energy to the baby keeping him active all day long. Bananas are portable food items. They are easy to peel. This makes them a perfect food and beverage to be served anywhere. If your baby is young make sure that you mash them properly. It also makes a perfect combination if served with whole-milk yoghurt.

Sweet Potatoes:

Sweet potatoes are one of the popular food items among babies. They are liked because of their texture and sweet taste. As they are cooked they give a smooth texture which makes them easy for babies to eat. Sweet potatoes are a good source of fibre, minerals, iron, copper, potassium and Vitamin C. Moreover, they contain beta-carotene. It is an anti-oxidant which prevents the growth of cancerous cells and mops up free radicals. They give a good start to solid foods.

Baby Cereals:

Box cereal made for babies is usually rich in iron. Iron is an essential component needed for a baby’s growth and development. Babies are born with a good supply of iron but the proportion starts decreasing when they turn 5-6 months. Although, nothing can replace breast milk it is not too high in iron to meet the nutritional requirement in kids. So intake of iron-rich foods becomes essential. As the baby starts eating solids, doctors recommend giving iron-fortified rice cereal. The food is packed in well-designed cereal boxes to make it last longer. As he grows older, mix the cereal with thick fruit purees to make it taste delicious. Best cereal boxes are the one which retains the quality of the product until it gets completely utilized.


Eggs are one of the nutritional food items which you may include in your baby’s diet. Egg whites are a source of protein whereas egg yolks are rich in zinc and vitamins. The yolk also contains choline, which is good for brain health and development. However, if your family has a history of allergies, eggs should be avoided during the first year.


Yoghurt provides your baby with a good combination of calcium, phosphorus, and proteins. All of them are essential for the development of healthy bones and teeth. Yoghurt also contains probiotics. It’s a type of bacteria which helps in digestion and makes your immune system stronger. As babies need fats in their diet, therefore choose whole milk yoghurt rather than low-fat varieties. Flavoured yoghurts should be avoided as they are rich in sugar. Your baby can start eating yoghurt at the age of 4-6 months. If your baby like flavoured yoghurt, add any food puree. Use strawberry juice, mashed avocados or apple sauce to enhance its taste.