
Tips To Study Effectively For The Defence Exams 

Merely studying all the time is not an excellent way to crack the defence exams. In fact, there is a right approach to cross over every trial of the defence exams and get your dream job. Besides the books, there are some other factors that require your attention if you wish to crack the defence exams. Even what to study also matters a lot when it comes to acing the defence exams. 

First of all, let us inform you that cramming can’t make you win the game. You have to get rid of this habit if you want to work in the Indian defence forces. Make distance from cramming and formalities when you truly wish to achieve something bigger. Read this article to know some tips to study effectively during the defence exam preparations.

Lakhs of candidates after obtaining degrees in bachelors commence their defence exam preparations. Some knock on the doors of the coaching platform to seek professional help to do effective preparations. Well, you can also link with a platform that offers the best CDS coaching in Chandigarh if you intend to effectively prepare for the CDS exam. 

Study effectively for the defence exams with the help of the tips mentioned below:

  • Set your boundaries

The most important step that should be taken in order to study effectively is to confine the study material. You have to focus on polishing your knowledge regarding the topics printed on the syllabus. Get in-depth details of the topics of the syllabus instead of broadening your knowledge by reading different books. Get a perfect book and study it over and over to reach the hidden details. This is what the defence exams look for in the candidates. They focus on what level of knowledge of the topics you possess.  

  • Learn basics of the concepts

To know what you actually have to learn to ace the defence exams, go through the questions of the last year’s papers. Analyze what each question basically concentrates on or what is the basic focus area of the questions.  Learn the basics of every concept printed on the syllabus. Remember, cramming can’t help you with that. That’s why you are strictly prohibited to cram the concepts. In fact, understand the fundamentals and have a thorough understanding of each topic of the syllabus. 

  • Read the book over and over

Well, this trick can only work if you are carrying the golden book in your hands. Here, a golden book means an authentic book that is relevant to the syllabus and clearly elaborates the in-depth knowledge of the concepts. Also, the experts hired to set the question papers often look for such golden books. Reading the important topics over and over from the same book will help you always learn something new. Reading the concepts from the same book repeatedly will also save time. But you must take your tests even if you feel confident about the knowledge you have. 

  • Self-evaluation

As we already articulate to you that merely reading books can’t get you your dream job. You have to keep a check on if your mind is retaining the knowledge that is gaining. For this, track your performance through tests, mock tests, quizzes, etc. you have to do this even if you are making notes. Only paying attention to making notes is not sufficient to crack the exams. 

Understand what you are writing and take your tets the next day to check if you have stored the concepts in your mind or not. Self-evaluation is needed to confidently recall and mark the right answer while taking the exams. Also, just don’t book the last days prior to the exams for revision of the concepts. In fact, manage to get time for revising the concepts on a daily basis to evade the stress of revision in the last days prior to the exams. 

Prepare for the AFCAT exam with the right approach articulated by the highly trained professional team of a coaching institute that offers the best AFCAT coaching in Chandigarh


Do you have any idea of the factor that is most crucial to study effectively for the defence exams? Well, the answer is your health. No one can stay persistent on your journey for a long time if his health is failing. Therefore, make sure that your health is getting the attention it deserves. Furthermore, begin your defence exam preparations immediately after understanding the structure of the defence exam.