
What Are the Secret Tips for Fried Chicken?


Fried chicken is a thing of beauty. Crispy skin, juicy meat, and a wonderfully balanced flavor make it the perfect meal to share with family and friends from fried chicken Stockport. The only problem is that fried chicken can be difficult to master—it takes time and patience (and some special tips) to get right. So what is the secret to great fried chicken?

Soak It In Buttermilk

Soaking the chicken in buttermilk is a great way to tenderize it. You’ll also want to add some vinegar, as this helps break down protein and tenderize the meat. Butter is an acid, so adding butter will help too. It gives extra flavor and keeps your fried chicken from drying out too much.

Add Vinegar To The Buttermilk

The buttermilk will also help to tenderize the chicken and make it juicier. But wait, there’s more! The vinegar in the buttermilk helps to create a crispy crust on your fried chicken, assisting with flavor development as well. Finally, don’t forget that acidic environment created by adding vinegar to your buttermilk; this helps keep your chicken moist while frying.

Heat The Oil Just a Little Beyond 375 Degrees F

The oil should be hot enough to cook the chicken, but not so hot that it burns. 350 degrees F is a good temperature for most fried chicken recipes; however, you should use a thermometer to ensure accuracy and prevent burning. Depending on how much chicken you’re cooking and your preferred level of crispiness, you may want to increase or decrease the temperature accordingly. You also want to be careful about not using too much oil—you don’t want your pieces floating around in an oily bath. A good rule of thumb: fill your pot just halfway full with canola or vegetable oil (or another neutral-flavored oil).

Don’t reuse oil that has been burned; it will impart unpleasant flavors onto your food every time you use it.

Fry In The Fat Of Your Choice

Don’t use vegetable oil. The smoke point of olive oil is only about 325 degrees Fahrenheit, which makes it a poor choice for frying. Also, because it has an extremely neutral taste and color, it will not affect the flavor of your fried chicken at all.

Use peanut or canola oils instead; they have higher smoke points than other vegetable oils (425 F vs 325 F). Peanut oil has a slightly nutty flavor that will infuse into the chicken during frying; however, if you want to keep things super simple and neutral in terms of flavor then go with canola oil instead. If you don’t have either one on hand then corn or sunflower could work in a pinch as well. Just make sure whatever type of fat you use is refined so that there aren’t any impurities left after heating (eucalyptus-scented? Oh no!). Don’t use butter either: Its high moisture content makes it difficult to maintain consistent temperatures throughout your fryer because some pieces may cook faster than others — resulting in over- or undercooked meat depending on where exactly within each piece its moisture content lies at any given moment during cooking time.

Spice It Up With An In-The-Bag Rub

The secret to fried chicken is the spice mixture, or rub. You can make a basic rub by combining 1 tablespoon of paprika with 1 teaspoon each of salt, garlic powder and onion powder. Add another 2 tablespoons of brown sugar if you want it sweet as well as spicy. The rub should be applied to the chicken prior to frying it—this way it has time to absorb the flavors into the meat while cooking. Once you’ve finished coating your chicken with the rub and put them in bags for a few hours (or overnight), you may find that there’s some excess left over after cooking them all up.

Don’t let this go to waste! Pour any leftover spices onto a pan over medium heat along with enough oil so that they coat everything evenly (like when making popcorn). Stir until completely combined together before spreading out on parchment paper-lined baking sheets while still warm so they harden up slightly instead of sticking together too much on cooling down.

Cut It With a Pair Of Scissors

Cut it with a pair of scissors. It’ll help you cut the chicken into smaller pieces, which is more convenient when eating. Plus, they’re a lot easier to use than knives and won’t dull your blade as quickly. If you’re having trouble picking up that last piece of chicken on your plate, just use your hands. The only thing we want to caution against here is using dirty hands (because then no one will want to eat off them).

Put Cheese On It

  • Cheese is a great addition to fried chicken. It can be used in the batter or on top of the chicken, and it can even be added to your buttermilk for extra flavor.
  • You can also use cheese as a garnish: For example, you could sprinkle cheddar cheese over your chicken before serving it up with a side of fries and coleslaw.

Pair It With Sweet Things

Now that you’ve mastered the art of deep-frying chicken and creating the perfect breading, it’s time to explore how you can pair this dish with other foods. The first rule when pairing fried chicken with sweet things is to think outside the box. You don’t need a plate full of corn or mashed potatoes; there are plenty of other options available. For example, try combining your battered chicken with chili con queso dip, or serve some lemon curd alongside your fried drumsticks and thighs. Fried chicken pairs extremely well with many types of fruit dishes—especially ones that have been baked in caramelized sugar. If you’re feeling adventurous and want something out-of-the-box for dessert tonight, try pairing your crispy fried bird with some bananas Foster or cherries jubilee over vanilla ice cream.

Let Your Fried Chicken Rest Before Eating

A lot of people will tell you that the secret to good fried chicken is in the preparation: a very hot oil temperature, coating in flour or batter, and adding a small amount of salt. While this may be true for some recipes, it doesn’t apply to all of them. In fact, some types of fried chicken are best served after they’ve been allowed to rest for at least 30 minutes—the time needed for their juices to redistribute and all those wonderful flavors that were developed during cooking time have had time to develop further.

If you’re like most people who’ve ever tried making fried chicken at home and found that they end up with dry pieces after cooking (or even worse—grossly under-cooked pieces that look like a cross between burned popcorn kernels and crumbly charcoal briquettes), it may be because you didn’t let your food rest before serving it.


As you can see, fried chicken is not all that difficult to make. The secret is in the technique and how you treat your ingredients. So next time you want to impress a crowd with your own fried chicken recipe, try some of these tips and tricks.