
What is Short-Term Accommodation?

The short-term accommodation programme offers breaks to families caring for NDIS participants while allowing participants to spend a short period away from their usual homes. Short Term Accommodation in Melbourne and Assistance (STAA) under the NDIS was also known as Respite Care. NDIS participants temporarily away from their typical homes are provided with assistance and housing through short-term housing or respite care. It covers up to 14 days’ worth of care for them at different places. It is a helpful choice when the practical caretakers are unavailable or when they want to try new activities.

Short-term accommodation in Melbourne is your home away from home, where skilled staff will help you develop independence, acquire new skills, and make friends. It offers order, routine, chances for socialisation outside your home, and a comfortable atmosphere. In short-term accommodation, qualified staff members actively assist you in taking a break from the monotony of your daily life. You will receive the following help if you stay at an STA house:

  • Support in every facet of your everyday existence.
  • Help take part in activities that promote health and well-being.
  • Show up for appointments.
  • Create and maintain connections with other visitors.

If you’re looking for a place to stay in Melbourne, you probably have many questions. In this blog post, we’ll discuss short-term accommodation in Melbourne so we can help you can find the perfect place to stay.

Who is Eligible for Short-Term Accommodation (STA)?

For the following reasons, all NDIS participants who are qualified may obtain short-term accommodation in Melbourne:

  • If the NDIS participant’s existing situation worsens or encounters an emergency, they risk losing their housing or being compelled to transfer into an assisted living facility. While the crisis or problem is being treated, this NDIS option offers accommodations for a brief period.
  • The participant runs the danger of losing their housing or maybe having to transfer into an assisted living facility if their present situation worsens or if there is an emergency. In the meantime, until the crisis or disorder has passed, this NDIS provision offers interim housing.
  • For the objective of improving talents and helping NDIS participants live independently.
  • If an unanticipated occurrence has caused the carer to be unable to offer care or if the support staff is absent from work, it is a good idea to look into short-term housing as an option.
  • For a change of scenery and to take part in some community activities
  • While making changes to or renovating the house, at which period it can be essential to move.
  • STA is also handy In situations where the NDIS participant suffers from a condition requiring ongoing medical care and professional help.

6 Reasons to Opt for Short-Term Accommodation (STA) in Melbourne?

Varied Stay Option

The city offers various lodging choices, including hotels, serviced apartments, independent living quarters, and residences. It implies that something is available to fit every requirement and price range.

High-Quality Healthcare

Melbourne is the perfect place for individuals who need access to high-quality healthcare because it is home to several top-notch hospitals and medical institutions.

Recreational Options

There are numerous leisure and recreational opportunities available in the city, so there is something to fit every preference. Melbourne offers everything, whether you want to enjoy the exciting nightlife or the magnificent outdoors.

Good Transport 

Melbourne has several different transportation choices, making it well-linked with transport and because of this, getting around the city is simple whether you’re taking public transportation or hiring a car.

Pleasant Climate

Melbourne is usually warm, making it a pleasant area to live. The city does, however, have four different seasons. Therefore it’s crucial to be ready for sporadic extreme weather events.

Budget Friendly

There are several possibilities to meet your needs and budget if you’re looking for NDIS short-term accommodation in Melbourne. The city is an excellent option for people needing high-quality care and assistance because it offers so much.

Advice on Deciding on Melbourne’s Best Disability Accommodations

  • In Melbourne, there are many different kinds of short-term housing options. Use the NDIS provider locator tool to acquire a list of alternatives in your region if you need help determining where to begin your search.
  • After you’ve reduced your alternatives, think carefully about the kind of lodging that will best meet your requirements. Make sure the place you pick has the amenities you need, for instance, if you need wheelchair access.
  • It’s also crucial to consider what type of disability help you’ll require throughout your stay. For instance, if you want assistance with cooking or navigating the city, you should pick a rental that provides these services.
  • Last but not least, remember to account for the expense of lodging while making your choice. The NDIS partially covers short-term accommodation in Melbourne expenses. However, depending on the kind of home you select, you could pay more.


When looking for short-term accommodations in Melbourne for NDIS participants, there are several things to keep in mind. It’s crucial to study before choosing a home, from determining the one that meets your needs to weigh the price. You can get the ideal short-term accommodation in Melbourne with little effort.

My Link Assist‘s visitors receive individualised assistance and disability services catering to their unique requirements. STA offers a break from the monotonous daily routine for persons with specific difficulties to visit, participate, and simply unwind. Therefore, if you and your loved one are searching for compassionate NDIS providers of disability support services in Melbourne, go no further than My Link Assist for a better care experience away from home.

Author Bio

I am Zoya Arya, and I have been working as Content Writer at Rananjay Exports for past 2 years. My expertise lies in researching and writing both technical and fashion content. I have written multiple articles on Gemstone Jewelry like Moonstone ring and other stones over the past years and would love to explore more on the same in future. I hope my work keeps mesmerizing you and helps you in the future.