
Zero Trust and Microsegmentation an essential to making your Cloud Secure

Microsegmentation is a great way to protect your organization from breaches by limiting the attacker’s lateral movement and reducing their attack surface.

The modern computer estate can span multiple locations, and even public cloud services like Amazon Web Services (AWS). This leaves you vulnerable to breaches that cannot be limited easily because it’s so broad-based, but prevention becomes much easier with containment in place.

Zero Trust Microsegmentation can protect workloads, users, and devices. The key component of what a security program should focus on is protecting data that cannot be compromised by outside forces or malicious software infections like viruses, bots, etc.

The benefits of Microsegmentation

Enhanced Visibility 

Microsegmentation is a great way to gain insight into the applications and workloads that are happening within your network. With this information, you can create more effective policies for protecting specific assets on those devices with increased risk factors.

Better breach containment

Controlling the perimeter is key to preventing breaches. Create micro-perimeters around specific assets and you’ll have granular control needed for containment.

Protect Critical Assets

With the rise of containers and microservices, it has never been more important to be able to communicate with your applications. 

Your business needs are changing constantly which means you can’t just rely on one solution for communications across all platforms. Microsegmentation provides control-sensitive East-West connections between application tiers running or even containerized workloads across private data centers. And public cloud hybrid environments so they don’t get lost among other traffic flowing freely around them.

Better Policy

The concept of decoupling segmentation from the underlying network is a novel idea that could revolutionize how we collect and store data. This would allow for more accurate analysis, which in turn will provide better insight into both our networks as well as all aspects of an organization’s operations.

Benefits of Zero Trust

Zero-trust security models have been recognized as the future of cyber defenses. They’re not just about preventing hackers from gaining access, but also finding them before they cause any damage with their malicious intent.

Tight Security

A major benefit of this model has improved protectiveness. It’s important because shifting over requires using advanced tools and platforms which can help keep your information safe.

Simple Security Architecture

Adopting advanced security tools can simplify an organization’s architecture, enabling them to respond faster. And be proactive in securing their IT environment.

Fills Security loopholes

Utilize a cloud-based zero trust framework to reduce the need for an entire staff of professionals. Your provider will handle and manage your network securely, so you don’t have to worry about it anymore.

Better User Experience

We all know the stress of forgetting our passwords. With a zero-trust security model, you no longer need to worry about this because your accounts are automatically backed up. And saved in an encrypted format via cloud storage which also provides consistency when interacting with different devices.