
Understand the benefits of swimming for heart health

If you are looking for quality of life and health, swimming is one of the most complete physical activities there is, because, in addition to strengthening the muscles, it prevents various heart and respiratory diseases.

In order for you to get to know the sport better, we have selected the main benefits of swimming with Lifeguard training near me. Check out:

Benefits of swimming for the heart

Those who practice swimming regularly — at least twice a week for 30 minutes — are protecting their heart from various diseases. Sport increases the production of nitric oxide which generates vasodilation. Thus, there is an improvement in blood circulation: more blood reaches the heart, the walls of the heart muscle dilate easily and the heartbeat is more stable.

In this way, swimming strengthens the heart and helps to reduce high blood pressure problems, prevent atherosclerosis characterized by clogged arteries, among other coronary diseases.

Benefits of sport for the muscles

Swimming increases strength and muscle tone because, in addition to exercising all the muscles in the body, it is performed in water that offers great resistance to the swimmer. The best way to strengthen muscles is through resistance and water is more resistant than air, turning swimming into a sport that generates much more satisfying results than running or cycling, for example.

Joints and ligaments are also benefited by sport, as they are much more flexible and do not suffer many impacts, preventing injuries, bruises and the emergence of diseases such as arthritis. As physical activity strengthens and stretches the musculature, postural and orthopedic problems can also be prevented and treated with the practice of swimming.

Benefits for the respiratory system

Those who suffer from bronchitis, asthma and allergies can feel a huge improvement after regular water exercise . Swimming works a lot on breathing and strengthens the lungs. In addition, it reduces the dryness of the airways in periods of low humidity.

Nervous system improvements

Swimming also provides relaxation and relief from stress and tension, both muscular and psychological. Exercise releases endorphins in the central nervous system, decreasing anxiety and depression.

The need to balance movements and breathing during exercises also requires a high level of concentration, making you think only about your body and leave everyday problems and worries aside. Thus, physical activity also contributes to building a lighter and better quality life.

Advantages for self-esteem

Swimming helps burn calories and helps with weight loss. In addition to keeping the body beautiful, it offers a feeling of lightness and freedom that contributes to increased self-esteem. Feeling good is all about health, don’t you agree?

Now that you know the main health benefits of swimming, check out how water activities help children’s development . Did you like the article? Do you have any questions or would you like to tell us about your swimming experience? Tell us in the comments.

Less joint impact

Due to the buoyancy, in the water the joints suffer less impact with the ground. This is a very important factor for people with special postural conditions, for pregnant women, for obese people and people with osteoporosis.

Joint comfort and protection

In water, body movements are resisted to advance, which makes movement difficult and makes the exercise a little slower, but no less intense.

The feeling of exertion is even smaller, as heat dissipates more easily in water, and sweating is not perceived. The intensity can be the same as running or cycling.

The joints are especially protected, as there will be no ballistic or uncontrolled movements at great speed.


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